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About Me


My name is Kareem, and I'm a high school student from Springfield, MA. I am passionate about public transit and just about everything about it. The vehicles, drivers and passengers, operating agencies, and how systems interact with towns and cities are all fascinating to me.

This blog is where I'll explore public transit in Western Massachusetts and beyond. Most of my posts will be route focuses where I ride and examine every route of the PVTA and other systems in the future, but I also post transit news, opinions, fleets, and more!

If you like anything about public transit, then this blog is for you! If not then I hope you find public transit a little more interesting than you did before.


I owe a lot of my interest for public transit to Miles Taylor, who runs milesintransit.com. EnRoute with Kareem is heavily inspired by his blog and it's earlier iteration "Miles on the MBTA". If you found my page first, I recommend checking out his page too, where you'll find a lot more transit content from Boston, Philadelphia, and most of Massachusetts.

Hey! I'm in the news!